Terms of Service at Good Time Institute & Medical Spa

  1. General

  1. These “Terms and Conditions” of using the services of Good Time Instytut & Medical Spa define the general terms and conditions of the agreement for the use of services provided by Good Time Instytut & Medical Spa – the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the rules for the processing of personal data.

  2. Definitions:

  1. SPA

    ” – GT52 Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Grunwaldzka 52, 60-311 Poznań, NIP: 779-255-98-89,

  2. Price list

    ” – the current price list including the prices of services, available on the website at the address www.goodtimemedicalspa.pl and in the “SPA” premises. The prices indicated in the price list are gross amounts in Polish zlotys. The price list also includes services whose prices will be individually determined after prior consultation with the “Client”,

  3. The Agreement

    ” – an agreement between the “Client” and the “SPA.” Making a reservation or prepayment by the “Client” and accepting it by the “SPA” is equivalent to concluding a civil law contract for the provision of services by the “SPA”. As part of the agreement, the Client is obliged to read these Terms and Conditions and accept them by ticking the appropriate “check box” on the “SPA” website or signing a written version of the Regulations at the “SPA” premises.

  4. Treatment

    – refers to a cosmetic, cosmetology, aesthetic medicine or other treatment available in the current “SPA” offer,

  5. Client

    ” – An adult natural person. A minor over 13 years of age may also be a client only with the written consent of the parent/legal guardian, and in the case of such a person, the Treatment is performed in the presence of a parent/legal guardian, and in cases of not qualifying for the selected “Treatment”, the SPA reserves the right to refuse to perform it.

  6. Employee

    – refers to an employee or associate of the SPA performing the “Treatment”

  7. Documents

    ” – the necessary documentation classifying the “Client” to perform the procedure. As part of the documentation, the “Client” is obliged to complete:

1. “General Client Card”

2. “Card dedicated to specific treatments” provided by the “SPA”.

  1. Promotion

    ” – may refer to the price of a series of “Treatments” or a single “Treatment”, as well as individual promotions for regular customers. Information about current promotions is available on the “SPA” website. Each “Promotion” is subject to its own terms and conditions, which can be found at the www.goodtimemedicalspa.pl website. “SPA” stipulates that promotions, gift vouchers and other discounts do not add up.

  1. Payment

  1. The following forms of payment are accepted at the SPA:

    1. card payment,

    2. cash at the “SPA” cash desk

    3. by bank transfer to the “SPA” account, whereby the Client is obliged to pay before proceeding with the treatment. Payment by bank transfer is deemed to have been made on the day the required amount is credited to the “SPA” account.

  2. After making the payment, the Client receives one of the documents confirming its execution, i.e. a receipt, a receipt with a tax identification number (NIP) or an invoice. If the customer wishes to receive an invoice, he or she is obliged to send the data of the invoice recipient in advance. If you want to receive a receipt with a tax identification number (NIP) or an invoice for the receipt, the Client is obliged to provide the NIP number before issuing the receipt.

  3. Treatment packages (passes) should be made according to the cosmetologist’s recommendations. The pass is valid for 3 months from the moment of purchase. After the expiry of the validity period of the Voucher, in whole or in part, the unused value is lost.

  4. Funds spent on “Treatments” or treatment packages are non-refundable except if the treatment is performed incorrectly.

  5. Prior to the “Client” commencing the Treatment, the Client is obliged to make a voluntary and informed statement before the Treatment is performed, according to which the “Client”:

  1. has information about the procedure performed, i.e. knows the purpose of the procedure and the possible effects of its performance,

  2. has received an explanation of all issues related to the preparation and application of the selected procedure, and these explanations are clear and understandable to him and in line with his expectations,

  3. is familiar with and understands the issues related to contraindications to the procedure and possible side effects that may occur after the procedure, including effects that are not in line with expectations,

  4. is aware of the fact that the procedures in question are performed in accordance with the principle of due diligence and do not guarantee the achievement of reliable and visible results, in particular fully consistent with the expectations of the “Client”,

  5. will not claim the right to a refund of the price for the treatment performed in the event that the selected treatment does not bring the intended result despite the exercise of due diligence by the “SPA”,

  6. before proceeding with the “Treatment”, he/she has taken into account and presented his/her health condition to the “SPA” and will not proceed to perform the “Treatment” if, due to his/her health, the “Treatment” could have a negative impact on the life and health of the “Client”, physical or mental comfort,

  7. is not pregnant, in the postpartum or breastfeeding period, does not take medications or other substances that are contraindications for a given “Procedure”,

  8. made a decision to choose and perform the “Treatment” consciously and voluntarily, taking into account his/her health condition and available medical and technical means,

  9. agrees to modify the method of performing the procedure or even to withdraw from it, in the event that its further continuation in accordance with the prescribed procedure could endanger the life or health of the “Client” or lead to effects contrary to the expected ones.

  1. The
    “SPA” advises the “Clients” to undergo standard medical examinations before using the “Treatment” in order to check their general health condition and the absence of medical contraindications to the treatment.

III. Method and scope of services provided

  1. Each time before proceeding with the “Treatment” – the “Employee” performs a specialist diagnosis of the problem with which the “Client” has reported. In order to properly perform the “Treatment” and obtain optimal results, the “Client” should submit reliable and truthful statements regarding contraindications to the “Treatment”, his/her health condition and other data listed in the “General Client’s Card”, which is completed independently or with the help of the “Employee” before the start of the “Treatment”. The information contained in the “Client’s Card” is the basis for the decision to perform or refuse the procedure, post-treatment recommendations and the determination of the risk of possible side effects in connection with the procedure.

  2. In the case of hand and foot treatments, it is not required to fill in the “General Client Card”. The basis for issuing a decision to perform the procedure is a previously conducted conversation with the Client and statements made by the Client in this regard.

  3. Before commencing the procedure, each “Client” is familiarized with the contraindications to its performance and possible side effects that may occur after its performance, post-treatment recommendations and possible effects in their individual case. In individual cases, in the case of special health issues or treatments requiring additional classifications, the “Employee” may ask for an additional written statement or completion of a “Dedicated Card”. In the event that the “Client” does not give such consent, the “Employee” has the right to refuse to perform the “Treatment”.

  4. The Client is obliged to read the conditions and the manner of performing the “Treatments” in accordance with the description available on the website at




  5. Each “Client” should notify the “Employee” in charge of any change in the course of treatments that may affect the course and appropriate selection of the procedure. A list of particularly important contraindications to the treatment can be found on the SPA website at https://goodtimemedicalspa.pl/regulamin-korzystania-z-uslug/ and is available at the “SPA” premises.

  6. SPA” recommends that the “Client” during the use of the series of “Treatments” does not use the treatments to the same extent as treatments carried out in the “SPA” in another cosmetic/aesthetic medicine parlour. In the event that the Client has used such treatments elsewhere, they are obliged to notify the “Employee” in charge of this fact in order to make a reliable assessment of the effects of the treatments performed in the series.

  7. During the “Treatments” the Client is obliged to remove any jewelry, and if they have it in the treatment area, in an invisible and difficult to remove place, they should immediately inform the “Employee” about it before performing the “Treatment”.

  8. The “Employee” has the right to refuse to perform the procedure on the “Client” who is under the influence of alcohol or other substances that may affect the performance of the “Treatment”, in particular the perception of the “Client”.

  9. During and after the “Treatment”, the “Client” is obliged to immediately notify the “Employee” performing the procedure about any deterioration of his/her well-being.

  10. If the “Client” is late for the scheduled treatment, the time of delay is deducted from the time for which it was booked. In justified cases accepted by the SPA, it may remain unchanged. “SPA” reserves the right to consider the service as completed in a situation in which the Client cancels the treatment less than 24 hours (twenty-four hours) before the planned date or the Client does not show up for the planned visit without prior cancellation.

  11. The Client is obliged to report to the booked date of the “Treatment” no later than 5 minutes before the planned start of the “Treatment”.

  12. After each treatment, the “Client” receives recommendations related to further skin care, recommended cosmetics that are designed to prolong and maintain the effects of the treatment. Preparations recommended by the SPA “Employee” can be purchased by the “Client” in the “SPA” or place an order for them (in case of unavailability of a given product in the “SPA”).

  13. Significant contraindications to the procedure include, m.in:

    1. wounds, abrasions, cuts and cracks on the surface
      of the skin, interruption of the continuity of the skin in the place where the procedure is planned,

    2. inflammation and allergic conditions,

    3. precancerous conditions and skin cancer,

    4. infectious diseases – bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic,

    5. allergy to any of the ingredients of the cosmetic used,

    6. fever.

    7. 20. Additional contraindications during treatments with the use of technology:

    8. pregnancy

    9. breastfeeding

    10. pacemaker

    11. autoimmune diseases,

    12. diabetes

    13. acute psoriasis,

    14. numerous pigmented nevi,

    15. skin lesions of unknown origin occurring in the treatment area,

    16. fresh scars,

    17. tendency to keloids,

    18. steroid drugs and retinoids,

    19. active herpes.

IV. SPA Operation

1. “SPA” reserves the right to make ongoing changes to the offer available on the website at www.goodtimemedicalspa.pl and in the “SPA” premises, especially in terms of its subject and price. It is not possible to change the scope of services and the price to the detriment of the Customer who has previously purchased the service and the deadline for its use has not yet expired.

2. The opening hours and the hours of providing “SPA” services are given on the website at www.goodtimemedicalspa.pl. In individual cases, the “SPA” reserves the right to extend the opening and working hours after receiving the prior consent of the “Employee” regarding the extension of the working hours.

3. “SPA” sells Gift Vouchers, i.e. “Vouchers”, “Gift Cards”, valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. After the expiry of this period, the agreement between the “Client” and the “SPA” shall expire, unless the “SPA” decides otherwise. On the “SPA” website at https://goodtimemedicalspa.pl/regulaminy/ – separate terms and conditions of “Gift Vouchers” are available.

4. The “Client” staying in the “SPA” is obliged to turn off or silence the phone in order to ensure peace and relaxation for other “Clients” – both within the waiting room and the treatment room.

5. On the premises of the “SPA” there is a categorical ban on taking narcotic or similar substances and consuming alcoholic beverages.

6. The “SPA” is responsible for the outerwear only if it is left in the place indicated by the “SPA” staff. The Client is obliged to take all valuables with him or leave them in the deposit located at the “SPA” reception.

V. Rules for Client registration and resignation from the service

  1. The “Client” may book the Treatment service:

    1. in person at the “SPA” at ul. Grunwaldzka 52 in Poznań,

    2. Phone

    3. by e-mail to the following e-mail address:


      however, in the case of a reservation via e-mail, it is required to be confirmed by the “SPA”.

  1. The “Client” has the right to cancel the booked treatment without financial consequences up to 24 hours before the date of its completion. In the event of failure to meet this deadline, you will be charged a fee equal to the amount of the purchased “Treatment”.

  2. SPA” has the right to cancel or postpone the treatment to another date within 24 hours before the planned date of the “Treatment” or without meeting this date, but only in random situations, the occurrence of which justifiably makes it impossible to perform the booked “Treatment”.

  3. In the event of a delay in the start of the service due to the fault of the “SPA”, the planned duration of the treatment does not change.

  4. SPA” reserves the right to refuse to perform a “Treatment” if the “Client’s” delay exceeds 20 minutes, also in the case of “Treatments” from Gift Vouchers, to charge the “Client” with a contractual penalty in the amount of the price of the “Treatment” planned for a given day and to deduct the above-mentioned “Treatment”. Gift Voucher penalties

  5. If you notice any irregularities in any form related to the inappropriate behavior of SPA “Employees”, you should immediately inform the receptionist or another employee.

VI. Information clause on the protection of personal data

  1. In view of the wording of Art. Article 13(13) 1 and para. 2 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on personal data) (Journal of Laws of the European Union of 2016 No. 119, page 1) (hereinafter referred to as: (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR”), “SPA” informs about the manner and purpose for which it processes the personal data of “Clients”, as well as about their rights under the regulations on the protection of personal data.

  2. The administrator of the personal data of “Customers” is GT52 Sp. Ltd.; Address details: ul. Grunwaldzka 52, 60–311 Poznań, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.

  3. The personal data of “Clients” is processed for the following purposes:

  1. Provision of services and sales of products offered by the Controller – the legal basis for data processing is the performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR),

  2. arranging appointments and notifications about upcoming visits (phone, SMS, e-mail) – the legal basis for data processing is consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR),

  3. optionally: marketing (promotions, vouchers, informing about campaigns) – the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller – marketing of own products and services (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR in conjunction with Article 10 of the Act on the Provision of Electronic Services),

  4. consideration of complaints, investigation and defence in the event of mutual claims – the legal basis for data processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller – (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR),

  5. fulfilling the legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator resulting from the provisions of tax law and accounting – (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR),

  6. assessment of the Client’s health condition in connection with with the planned Treatment – the legal basis is the Client’s consent and the performance of the contract (Article 9(2)(a) of the GDPR),

  1. Clients’ personal data will be stored by SPA for the following period:

(a) in relation to data processed pursuant to Article Article 6(1) 1 (b), (c) and (f) of the GDPR – for the duration of the contract, and after its expiry for the period resulting from the applicable law, in particular with regard to pursuing claims and for the period of storing accounting books and tax documentation,

(b) in relation to data processed pursuant to Article Article 6(1) 1 lit. f GDPR for marketing purposes – until an objection is raised,

c) in relation to data processed on the basis of consent – until the consent is withdrawn,

  1. SPA” informs that the data of “Clients” may be transferred to entities which, on the basis of relevant agreements signed with Good Time Day Spa, process personal data for which “Spa” is the Administrator. “Customers’ data” will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (which includes the European Union, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland).

  2. The person whose data is processed has the right to access their data and receive a copy thereof, the right to rectify (correct) their data, the right to limit processing, the right to be forgotten, the right to object, the right to transfer data, the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

  3. With regard to data that has been provided on the basis of consent, the “Client” has the right to withdraw consent at any time, provided that the withdrawal of consent does not affect their effective processing before the relevant statement is submitted.

  4. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary for the performance of services provided by SPA.

  5. Additional information on the principles of personal data processing is described in detail in the Privacy Policy adopted by “SPA”.

VII. Contact with the “SPA”

  1. The “Client” may contact the “SPA” in person, by e-mail to

    the address recepcja@goodtimemedicalspa.pl

    and by phone at: +48 510 260 046.

  2. In person and by phone, the “Client” can contact the “SPA” from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

VIII. Complaint

  1. The “Client” has the right to file a complaint in the event that, in his opinion, the treatment was performed in an unprofessional manner and inconsistent with the art required for this type of treatment. In the case of purchase of defective goods in “SPA” you have the right to complain about the purchased goods. The complaint will be considered within 14 working days from the date of its receipt. “SPA” will respond to such complaint in writing.

  2. The complaint should include such data as: information about the complainant, his/her contact details, date of service/purchase of goods, a detailed description of what the complaint concerns and the “Customer’s” requests in connection with the complaint.

IX. Final provisions

  1. Any disputes will be settled amicably in the first instance.

  2. The Client is obliged to read any other additional Terms and Conditions posted on the SPA website, not only in terms of promotional campaigns, Gift Vouchers, but also the methods of performing a given service and contraindications to perform individual “Treatments”.

  3. In matters not covered by the Terms and Conditions, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply.

  4. These regulations are valid from 1.04.2019. Any changes will be announced on the “SPA” website www.goodtimemedicalspa.pl



Good Time Institute & Medical Spa
Grunwaldzka 52, 60-311 Poznań

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

GOOD TIME DAY SPA © 2020 All rights reserved Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions